
I have known Mandana for a while now. I met her through a mutual freind of ours at a dance studio that I would go to. On a particular day after dance class, she appoached me and asked me if I am a photographer? After a fair bit of conversation, she asked me if I can take some family portraits. I had to say yes. This was when I met her boyfreind at the time Kamran. While take Mandanas Family portraits, Kamran asked me if I can take some portrait shots of Mandana and him together? I was kind enough to say yes. After I send him the finished photos, he really liked what I was able to do with and so did Mandana.

Fast forward a bit, I got news from Mandana that she was engaged to Kamran. I ofcourse was very excited to here this news. This couldn't have happened to a nicer person. After, she had told me she asked me if I can take both her Bridal Shower and her Wedding photos. I couldn't turn down such a pleasnant person. I ofcourse said yes. This wedding was absolutely off the hook. Beyond the Stars Palace was exactly what type of a wedding this was. We had people that traveled from all over the world just to come to this wedding. The pictures do not do justice on the amount of excitment there was. It was like a mini concert.